He’s had the operation. Was a lot of muscle damage which has all been repaired. He’s recovering very well and is ready to be picked up soon. Thank you all that helped make this possible. Will post some photos once he’s feeling better. 😊
This is from the vet.
Strider’s wound today.
Surgery was complex and took some time but I am happy with the level of closure gained and decontamination of the wound achieved. There is still a risk that complications could arise however these should be reduced now we have had a successful surgical repair.
We have had to come to the aid of a young lurcher who was found with a huge gash from shoulder to neck .
We made an appointment to take him to the vets as we had a call this morning saying a dog was in a bad way and looked like he was dying.
He’s at the vets now. He needs an operation today as it all needs cleaning, repairing and restitching . The wound is very deep . Estimated cost of the operation is £1312.
We just can’t afford that ourselves , we are feeling the effects of the Covid 19 and struggling to meet our monthly running costs as it is . But we couldn’t not try to help this dog otherwise he would have to be put to sleep .
We are hoping that people might help us and contribute towards the vet bill. Any amount even a £1 will help if lots donate.
Please help Maxi’s Mates to save this lads life
The ways to donate to Striders appeal are :
Direct from your bank account to our bank account- no charges and safe and secure. Please inbox for details
Please remember to select family and friends so PayPal don’t take a fee out of your donation
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